Agilent 86142A Optical Spectrum Analyzer

$12,950.00 USD

Agilent 86142A optical spectrum analyzers (OSA) is top of the range high performance units, ideally suited to WDM applications where power and wavelength accuracy, dynamic range and low polarization dependency are critical. The OSA sweeps from 600 to 1700 nm. Where PDL (Polarization Dependent Loss) is important, the high performance OSA is spec'ed at 0.05dB in comparison to the standard spec of 0.25dB.

It is in excellent working condition. The price quoted here includes calibration and 90 day warranty.

  • Wavelength Range: 600 nm to 1700 nm
  • Resolution Bandwidth: 0.06, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 2, 5, 10 nm
  • Span Range: 0.2 nm to full range and zero span
  • Accuracy: ±0.5 nm (absolute)
  • Maximum Sweep Rate: 50 ms
  • Remote control compatibility with IEEE-488
  • Interfaces: HP-IB, parallel printer port, external VGA monitor, keyboard (PS/2) and mouse.
  • Graphics Export: CGM, TIF